Thursday, April 29, 2010

We have updated our web pages...

... and we hope that you will find them helpful.
We've added a page about new books (we will be adding our noteworthy arrivals there); there is a page for SALE items (this is how one can stretch a dollar and still get something interesting - sale books are simply all last copies, most of them new); there are also photos of our store, if you have never been here you can take a peek. Let us know what you think.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Day of the Book

Yesterday we celebrated The Day of the Book here in Kensington. There was live music, poetry readings, free book appraisal, book signings, art, and many, many books!
If you could not make it this year, make sure you mark your calendar for the next one.
This celebration would not be possible without Elisenda Sola-Sole, the owner of Kensington Row Bookshop. Thank you, Eli, for the great time we had yesterday!
The Blues and Rock 'N Roll band we all enjoyed is called The Night Hawks:
Here are some photos:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Книга недели - Оптический обман

Книга этой недели - "Оптический обман" Даниила Хармса
Литератор-авангардист, член Ордена Заумников, один из основателей ОБЕРИУ (Объединение Реального Исскусства), Хармс писал стихи, миниатюры, рассказы, стихи и истории для детей.
Хармс был дважды обвинен в "антисоветской деятельности". Строки, написанные в 37-м году: «Из дома вышел человек с дубинкой и мешком, и с той поры исчез» вызывали у представителей власти большие подозрения. Повесть "Старуха"* - многослойное произведение. Старуха вторглась в мир героя и царствует в нем даже будучи мертвой. Это смесь ужаса, страха, насилия и смеха. В то же самое время, старуха - это Россия, которая извивается в смертельном объятии Советского Союза.
После публикации "Старухи" (1939) и коротких историй, Хармса перестают печатать.
За свою 36-летнюю жизнь, Хармс был дважды арестован и приговорен к каторге, был выслан на три года в Курск, провел год в психиатрической клиннике, где и умер во время блокады Ленинграда в 1942 году.
Сборник "Оптический обман" содержит случаи, рассказы и стихотворения.

*Отличный перевод повести "Старуха" на английский язык, на наш взгляд, был сделан Матвеем Янкелевичем и издан в UglyDucklingPresse (книга называется "Today I Wrote Nothing")

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We Missed You at the ASN Conference!

We missed you in New York City at the ASN Conference!
The conference has ended, but you can still grab some great savings! We prepared a nice selection of books for the conference - covering a wide-range of interesting topics - Islam, Russian-Jewish relations, Central Asia, Russia- Chinese relations, Indian-Pakistani relations and more!

The 50% discount on these book titles is still good until the end of April, but at this discount, the books will not be around forever!
Feel free to browse our list and place orders(PDF)
The offer ends on April 30th, 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cosmonaut Day Books

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin surprised the people of the USSR, the USA and the world by becoming the first human in space. His brief orbit of the planet heralded the beginning of a new chapter in the history of mankind and confirmed that space would also be the next front of the cold war. Politically, the race to space and later the moon would be viewed as the struggle between the two world superpowers - on a human level, both cosmonauts and astronauts would face challenges never before faced by humans and tragedies, death and incredible triumphs.

The selected list of titles has something for everyone interested in space from detailed first-hand accounts written by designers and cosmonauts to general histories outlining the idea of space travel to its realization.

Please click here to see the newsletter with titles and offers
Join our mailing list

Saturday, April 17, 2010

50% off some last copies

Yes, a lot of last copies at our store are 50% off. This is how we make room for new arrivals and help you save money. And the shipping is free if your order is over $25. How great is that?
Click here to learn about the details
Offer is valid through April, 30th, 2010.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Beverly Aliance, USA about the book called Hello, America!

The book Hello, America! is a comprehensive guide to America written in Russian for new emigrants.

Let us know what you think about this book.

We're starting a blog

The main purpose of this blog is to make announcements, share our news, comment on our projects, and tell about the new arrivals and books that we read. Please follow us here or/and on Twitter - @russiaonlineinc
Visit our web site